Cayman Islands Legal Assistance Clinic
What We Do
The Cayman Islands Legal Assistance Clinic (“the Clinic”) represents a cooperative initiative between the Department of Legal Aid (“Legal Aid”), the Cayman Islands Legal Practitioners Association (“CILPA”) and the Truman Bodden Law School (“TBLS”) under the direction of Chief Justice Margaret Ramsey-Hale. The mandate of the clinic is to provide greater access to justice for eligible members of the community through the provision of free (pro bono) legal advice and assistance as a complement to the provision of legal services by the local bar and the formal legal aid system. Students at the Truman Bodden Law School have the opportunity to take part in hands-on legal work for the benefit of the wider community.

The Clinic initially operates as a “legal advice only” Clinic. This means the student is not required to provide representation to the client before any court, tribunal or board. The Clinic offers free legal advice to members of the public via students under the supervision of qualified attorney and staff (the “student advisor/attorney team”). While students at all times are supervised by a qualified attorney in their work in the Clinic, the primary responsibility for providing legal advice to the client is that of the student.